Out of The Mouths of Babes:Schick Hydro Silk {Quickie Review}

In the past, I have shared my lazy attitude regarding shaving. It hasn't changed much since my last review and I'll spare you the details, but will confess that I have only shaved my legs twice this summer.

Recently my three year old was using my legs as leverage in the pool and said; "Mommy, what's that prickly stuff on your legs?"  *cricket chirping silence* "Oh look at the baby bunnies in the hedge!" I succeeded in turning her attention away from my legs and the issue of shaving versus not shaving.  She will have to encounter that choice in a few years.

When gifted a Schick Hydro Silk I decided to try it out before our next dip in the pool, in hopes of avoiding that shaving question a little longer. Princess noticed my smooth legs and I noticed that my legs felt silky just like the product name suggested.  The moisture strip is activated by the water and shaving cream used to aid in shaving and is hypo-allegenic.  I don't shave often enough to invest in a razor with replaceable heads, so this disposable razor is perfect for me.

Leave it to a three year old to jolt me back to reality about the necessities of shaving.

Disclosure: I have won a Schick razor via LISTENTOLENA.COM with no obligation to review. All opinions remain honest and my own.
