Fisher-Price is now hosting an AMAZING new Canadian contest called the Best Little Laugh! This contest will be celebrating all those insanely-cute, over-the-top-adorable smiles, giggles and laughs. It runs from May 20 to July 15, 2013 and there are weekly prizes of great Fisher Price gear to be snapped up.

From the time I realized I was pregnant, to now choosing schools for junior kindergarten, it feels like three and a half years of parenting has gone in a blink. I'm so glad we are a shutter happy family. The very first belly laugh our Princess Destructo gave was directed at mommy of course. And it was a random moment of bliss while I was changing her diaper before her weekly photo shoot.
First real belly laugh at 5 months old. |
Another favourite laughing moment is when I put her in a towel and nestled her in a carved pumpkin for her first Halloween,
Giggling in a squishy pumpkin. |
What gets my preschool Princess laughing the most? Music and movement activities, and the joy of discovery. My friends at Fisher Price know how to enhance the joys of childhood with their wide variety of infants and children's products. They are happy to announce the launch of their new
Laugh and Learn site where parents can gather to find play time tips, product information, and online games and activities. My three year old loves to play the
Thomas and Friends Engine Wash activity on this new site.
We want to know how your little ones get their #BestLittleLaugh?
Disclosure: I am part of the Fisher-Price Blogger Campaign with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own. Visit the Fisher Price contest official rules and regulations page for more information.