Spring Cleaning with LYSOL Fabric Mist #HealthyFamilies {Review}
This months theme with the LYSOL #HealthyFamilies ambassadors is Spring Cleaning. Since we had a warm batch of weather in March I actually ended up doing my spring cleaning twice. Since I am a freak who actually loves to clean, the bad weather rebound, wasn't too much of a hassle. Though, I didn't enjoy having to take some of the warm weather clothes back out of storage. We pay enough to do our clothes at a laundromat, let alone having to redo everything. I digress, lets get back to what I think of the Blossoms and Springtime fabric mist.

I have to be honest. I'm not a huge fan of floral scents. Whether it is perfume, lotion, air fresheners, or detergents. I just don't like flower-infused aromas. So I was more than a little nervous to do this review. LYSOL was generous enough to send me a care package with their newest kitchen soap dispenser, their original hands-free (stainless look) soap dispenser and the Blossoms and Springtime fabric mist. As you can tell from the photos, I ended up using almost half of it just to do this short review post. So it can't have gone too badly right? I wouldn't have chosen the scent if I was shopping for myself. I'm more of a Crisp Linen type of girl. Luckily for me LYSOL makes that scent, as well as Morning Rain.
I used the LYSOL fabric mist on my mattress, which gets flipped and vacuumed every season. I spritzed it with the Blossoms and Springtime fabric mist and thought it added an extra touch of freshness to our room. It didn't hurt that some of the mist got on the carpet where SOMEONE's stinky socks like to hang out every night because he can't reach the hamper 2 feet away. I also used the mist on our sofa as part of my "de-crumbing" procedure. I pulled the cushions off, vacuumed the accumulated popcorn, crackers, and smarties, replaced the cushions, and spritzed with fabric mist. It breathed new life into the well-used sofa and bonus ~ it kept the cat off the cushions for a few days. Turns out he doesn't like flowers either.
More information about Fabric Mist:
- Eliminates tough odours around the house such as cooking, sweat, smells from cleaning/personal care products
- Kills 99.9% of bacteria on fabrics, therefore eliminating the root cause of odours caused by the bacteria
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