Transformers KRE-O ~ Construction Sets For School Ager's or Young At Heart Adults.

Whenever I need help or advice of any sort the first place I turn is the internet. It didn't fail me. After google-ing "KRE-O Transformers" I got links for digital builds posted on Youtube. Here are the videos for Optimus Prime, my hubby's favourite & Prowl, the set I attempted. The build was a little easier after watching the videos, but I think I will leave these neat construction sets to the school-aged children and young-at-heart adults who have the patience to figure it all out!
Just for kicks I thought I'd share "A Gift For Megatron" in keeping with my 30 Days of Christmas theme.
KRE-O also has its own Youtube channel.
*This is not a sponsored post. **Prowl construction set image is borrowed from